graue Linie h

Detlef Fluch

“Making films is more a method, to put things in a context, than to invent a story: The renewal of the eye.”  Johan van der Keuken

graue Linie q

Detlef Fluch:

  • Cameraman, Editor, Producer
  • Teacher for video- and audiotech
  • Mediapedagogic  (media teacher and mentor)
  • Lecturer for documentary film
  • freelancing at different filmfestivals
  • Author of the book: Technische Grundlagen für Mediengestalter
    (technical basics of video- and audiotechnology)
  • qualified instructor for media-jobs (german qualification “AEVO”)
  • Professional camera equipment, editing-suite and DCP-mastering
  • Video projection

I am working as a freelance cameraman and editor for broadcast-TV-productions since 1989. Mostly it was documentaries with 30 minutes or more for German public TV (RBB, MDR and ARTE), filmed in different countries, for example in England, Poland, USA, Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, Israel, Russia, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Ukraine, Mongolia. Here you find a list of films.

Since 1992 I am working for the “International Leipzig Festival for Documentary and Animated Film” as cinema-assistant. The next Festival will take place from October 27th to November 2nd, 2025.

At different academies I am teaching documentary film, camera and video technique and I have published a book about video- and audio techniques (available in German language only).

Also I had worked as mediapedagogic with children and youth. Within the scope of that I was director of the REC Filmfestival Berlin from 2000 to 2019. That festival is an international competition for films from kids and youth. It has two sections: “REC for Kids” (age 6 to 15) and “REC for Youth” (age 16 to 25). The 34th REC-Filmfestival will take place in September 2025.

Since 2020 I am working as a production manager in the SCREEN BASED MEDIA film studies department at the “Berliner Hochschule für Technik” (former name: Beuth Hochschule).

On my website you can also find some photos I made on different occasions: A series of parks in Berlin: Tempelhof, Gleisdreieck, Treptower Park, landscapes from Iceland and some pictures about “Questions of believing” in Italy.



Detlef Fluch, Bautzener Strasse 5, D-10829 Berlin, Tel.: +49-30-68894923

Detlef Fluch with camera
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